To me, having trust in Allah feels like
steering a ship in the vast ocean,
where the skies meet the horizon
and the opportunities are abundant.
While some ships have their own mission,
others are cruising around
in search of a location, vision or aspiration
to steer their vessel in a certain direction.
For us Muslims,
we are taught about our final destination,
the purpose of our voyage,
our duties and obligations.
For further deliberation,
Allah gave us Quran and Hadiths
as a compass to guide us
in each of our situation.
While each context may be different,
and no specific instruction is given,
our tests lies in our resolution,
to believe in God when there’s no easy solution.
So, it’s okay to cast the anchor, to take a breather
and be reminded of this world’s transient nature.
After all, the prophet once said,
“Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a wayfarer.”